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Navigating Regulatory Waters: Friend or Food? How To Stay Ahead in Financial Services

The following content is part of our fortnightly newsletter eDMs "Take A Beat Thursday" and was originally sent out on February 8th. If you'd like to join the list and get these in...




BlueChip Communication CEO Breakfast Series by Aideen McDonald

CEOs from financial services firms recently gathered in BlueChip’s boardroom to hear from Joe Pulizzi at his only Australian financial services event.

Based in the US, our presenter, Joe Pulizzi, came up with the term ‘content marketing’ and founded the Content Marketing Institute (CMI) in 2012. He launched the ‘Content Marketing World’ conference in 2012 and brought it to Australia for the first time in March 2013.

The king of content marketing’s key message? Although content marketing is the buzzword of the moment, it’s not new: it’s simply about taking thought leadership (or any kind of valuable content) to a targeted audience – intentionally.

Consensus from guests was that not many Australian financial services businesses are doing it well and Pulizzi shared with attendees some of the key guiding principles for leaders ready to get on board and step out on the content marketing journey.

Peer-to-peer discussion among CEOs reconfirmed content marketing is not a trend we can afford to ignore. Rather, it plays an integral part in attracting and maintaining customers – and building trust and credibility as the go-to brand in your niche market.

To read more about the event, check out our blog: ‘If content marketing was a stock, we would buy it now‘. Or view Joe’s slides here.


BlueChip Communication CMO Event by Bruce Madden

Senior marketers operating at the top end of Australia’s financial services sector were treated to an expert serving of content marketing insights at a special CMO-only event hosted by BlueChip Communication in March.

The breakfast featured Todd Wheatland (@ToddWheatland) renowned speaker and global head of thought leadership and marketing at the US-based human resource firm Kelly Services.

Fresh from a speaker’s gig at ‘Content Marketing World Sydney’, Todd led his audience on a cook’s tour of content marketing today, explaining that a fundamental issue now confronting financial marketers is that traditional media ‘push’ marketing is failing or has failed.

“Think about this: if you aren’t the brand out there answering your customers’ questions, then who is? If you are not giving generously, giving your information up for free, then you are allowing others to steal your business.”

With content marketing in its relative infancy in Australia, especially in financial services, the question was asked: so where do we start?

Todd says original research, owned by brands is a relatively low hanging fruit. “Doing your own research which is original and insightful, then creating content on that content is a really good play,” he said.

Another tip: get on LinkedIn: “If I left you with just one thing from today it is to seriously look at LinkedIn and if you are not there, just start. New innovations coming through for this platform in the next three to six months will be extraordinary. You should be all over LinkedIn and thinking about using it to build your company’s blog page,” he said.

You can view Todd’s slides here.


Female Entrepreneurs Round Table by Alicia Eu

BlueChip Communication and Dynamic Business teamed up in February to co-host a round table of six successful Australian female entrepreneurs to answer the question ‘what makes a successful female entrepreneur?’.

Participants at the round table included: Carden Calder, Managing Director and co-founder of BlueChip Communication; Jo Burston, Managing Director and founder of Job Capital; Andrea Culligan, CEO and owner of The Unimail Group; Kim Liddell, owner of Non-Destructive Excavations Australia; Jacqueline Arias, Director of Republica Coffee; and Vanessa Stoykov, CEO and founder of Evolution Media Group.

Sharing insights and opinions on the unique experience of starting businesses as women, the key themes of the morning revolved around the power of networking, the benefits of having mentors and being involved in groups like EO Sydney and businesswoman networks.

With a strong sense of ‘sisterhood’ in the room, the round table was an inspiring event full of lively conversation, positivity and laughter.

To learn more, read the Dynamic Business article here.



BlueChip Communication and Evolution Media have signed a strategic alliance to co-develop industry leading communications content, strategy and execution services for the resurgent $1.4 trillion financial services sector. Having identified a fundamental shift in the way audiences engage with financial sector organisations and brands, Evolution Media has become an entirely content-based firm, and looked to BlueChip to take care of its client’s PR, communication and social media needs. The successful migration of Evolution’s long-standing media relations clients Aon Australia, Bennelong Funds Management, Local Government Super and GMO to BlueChip commenced in late 2012.

Aon Australia is a global leader in the design and provision of risk-related services and products that safeguard and improve its clients’ business results. The Aon business comprises three arms: Aon Risk Solutions, Aon Hewitt and Aon Benfield.

GMO is a global investment management firm committed to providing sophisticated clients with superior asset management solutions and services. They offer a broad range of investment products, including equity, fixed income and absolute return strategies. 

Local Government Super is recognised as an industry leader in responsible investment and the management of environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks and opportunities across its investment portfolio.

Bennelong, an Australian-based funds manager, manages over $4 billion in Australian equities (large and small caps) in addition to market neutral and absolute return hedge funds.

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